Heart Shaped Quesadillas
Looking for a festive snack that's easy to make and even easier to enjoy? Check out these adorable quesadillas cut out in the shape of a heart! The best part? There’s no fake red food dye or synthetic additives in these tortillas, just healthy beets!

Our beetroot corn tortillas have ZERO cholesterol, ZERO fat, ZERO sugar, ZERO gluten, and are only 20 calories per tortilla. And most importantly, they're scrumdiddlyumptious! Get your beetroot corn tortillas >>here<< and make your own special Valentines day snack. Okay, now that you've got your tortillas - here's the recipe:

• Heart shaped cutter
• 1 pack of Tortilla Familia beetroot corn tortillas
• 2 cups manchego cheese, grated
• 1 tsp olive oil
1. Prep beetroot tortillas using the heart shaped cutter.
2. Grate Manchego cheese into a bowl. Heat olive oil in skillet to med-high temperature.
3. Put one heart shaped tortilla in the pan, fill with layer of cheese, then cover with another tortilla. Cook the first side about 30 seconds then carefully flip over and cook the other side until slightly crisp and crunchy. You’ll know they’re finished when your cheese is melty!
4. Garnish with your favorite toppings and feel free to get creative using more fillings too. We like Manchego, but goat cheese is a close second..especially layered with some thinly chopped red onions.

A quick note - we always recommend grating your own cheese if you've got the time. The best quesadillas are hand-grated ones - why? The pre-shredded stuff is usually treated with certain chemicals to keep it all from sticking together. This means that it doesn't melt as well either! So, it may be worth a little extra effort to get that perfect texture.
A big thank you to @bayw0lf who came up with this idea and shared it on Instagram! Give her a follow if you want to see more recipes & food fun.