Meet the Familia: Anna & Pat M.
This week we had a chance to talk to Anna and Pat, a couple of tortilla snobs (their own words!) that have been part of the Tortilla Familia for a long while.
We asked them to share a little bit about how they first became members of the Fam and one or two of their best tortilla memories.
"Our first reason for buying tortillas from Tortilla Familia was our east coast kiddos and grandkiddos could not get good tortillas. We sent our first subscription to Brant NY. My daughter in Springfield VA said “hey we want some”, so a subscription for her and those grandkiddos. We decided we need to order for ourselves and CA daughter. We are definitely Tortilla Snobs.
My favorite thing to do with our tortillas is to share with family and friends. We have introduced these fantastic tortillas to many families who now have a subscription. Hill family, Chiavetta Family, Pericak family, Fujihara families, Troudy Families, Minardo family. My favorite thing to eat on warm tortilla is peanut butter. It gets so melted on the tortillas. Perfect for breakfast, dinner, or snack! Thank you Lamar and Chelsy for allowing us to enjoy these!"